Tuesday, September 23, 2008

WOW! A girls day out finally! Me, Ashley, Merissa, and Melissa stayed overnight in the most GHETTO hotel ever, but it was so much fun. It looked like a prison that had been transformed into a hotel. There was even a bullet hole in the elevator door! ha ha (But I forgot to take a picture of that) Alison and Stephanie also went up for the day. We all went shopping and out to eat with NO KIDS! (except for little Lyndee) Hey we needed a stroller so we had somewhere to put all our bags... It did rain on us most of the day, but luckily it would come and go so we didn't get too wet. We stayed up until 3 am telling sasquatch and "I Survived" stories. And ofcourse we had to play WHAT IF.. AND THEN. Our car was packed for the ride home. We had to squish ourselves around the luggage. It was blast! Every mom should take a weekend out with the girls once in awhile :)


The Garza's said...

Hey chicky- what's happening?? I haven't seen you for a while and I am so glad you got a blog- Your family is adorable! I love the pics- I want to see you guys more- and I am very glad your moving to the tremonton area YEA!! I will show you to all my friend in my neighborhood- you would freaking love them- They are all adorable- There from like the salt lake and ogden area and so freaking fun- We are together every night with our kids outside- It will be fun- There is 2 houses for sale so you should come check it out!!!

Chad and Maresa said...

Hey! Send me your email address and I will send you an invite to our blog! I had so much fun in Park City! We need to do more often! Send your email to crossleymaresa@hotmail.com