So I bought Clay a little SURPRISE this summer! He goes hunting every year and always feels bad when he has to leave me and the kids behind...So we have been talking about getting a trailer. Well, little did he know I found the perfect one! I found it on ksl for DIRT CHEAP, but Clay was working graveyard and I couldn't get ahold of him. Luckily my next door neighbor Mark was willing to come with me and do all the man research on it for me. I was going to go for a drive the next day and show Clay his surprise but I couldn't wait.. so as soon as he got home the next morning I told him I bought one and he had to go pick it up! He laughed...Luckily. I think he cried when he first laid eyes on it though! ha ha. As soon as he got it home we started fixing it up and didn't stop for about two to three weeks. It is pretty much brand new now and we giggled the whole first week we had the thing! I am so sorry to all my poor neighbors who had to look at this thing sitting in our driveway and wondering what the heck we were thinking!

I had to take the kids to the park while Clay worked on it so he could get something done

Chance had a good time feeding the ducks!

He found Clay's gloves and was flapping them around. (and he was potty training) He'll kill me for this when he's older!

Yes, we did get a new mattress. The other one was 50 years old!

Chance loved it right from the start!

The panels by the front and back window had a lot of water damage so Clay replaced them. This is a before shot.

Before/After we recovered the seats

This is how we bought it! "It looks like a pink nightmare!", Clay would say.

AFTER! It looks really good now that it is all done! Inside and out. We've had a few fun little camping trips with it and can't wait to have many more! I think it fits our little family perfectly and will be a little sad when we outgrow it.